Rauf Denktas University Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Ali Bıçak inspected the higher education institution called “Gulf Colleges” of Saudi Arabia on August 22, 2022. According to the information given by the university, Rauf Denktaş University Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Ali Bıçak was appointed as the chairperson. It took 5 days, including the supervise and panel orientation day. In this process, Consultants of the National Quality Authority of Bahrain Prof. Salwa Elekyabi, Saudi Arabian UPM University Vice-Chancellor and Council Member Prof. Elham Mahjoob Hassanain and Director of the University of Bath Center for Governance Prof. Ania Zalewska worked together with Prof. Bıçak. In the supervise, compliance with over 100 criteria was evaluated under the headings of “Mission and Strategic Planning, Governance and Management, Education and Training, Students, Academic and Administrative Staff, Institutional Resources, Research, and Collaboration with the Community”. On the last day of the inspection, Prof. Dr. Bıçak also made a presentation on the audit findings to the Rector of Gulf Colleges and members of the Senate