As part of extra-curricular activities, Banking and Finance Department of RDU organized a competition among its students. Students prepared creative projects involving their countries and presented them as they compete with each other. Some of the projects prepared by the students involved “Rice Farming”, “Life-long Agriculture” and “Road Transport Service in Liberia” where students carried out investment analysis to test the financial profitability of their projects.
The Jury of the Competition was composed of Prof. Dr. Danbala Danju, Assist Prof. Dr. Huseyin İlgen, Assist Prof. Dr. Achille D. Fofack and Sen. Lecturer Omar Bani Khalaf. At the end of the evaluations of the jury, projects prepared by Jaesue Togba and Emmanuel Z. Gweh on “Life-long Farming” and “Road Transport in Liberia” ranked as first and second, respectively. The Rector of RDU Prof. Dr. Hasan Ali Bicak who also followed the students’ presentations, congratulated the winners of the competition, presented them certificates and thanked to jury members as well as the instructors who assisted students in preparing their projects.