In an achievement for the higher education accreditation landscape, Turkey's prestigious Accreditation
and Rating Association (STAR) took the lead in organizing a landmark online conference named "Higher
Education European Standards and Guide (ESG): Guide for Universities and Quality Assurance Agencies
to Achieve Their Goals." STAR, acknowledged as one of Europe's foremost accreditation organizations,
played a pivotal role in orchestrating this significant event, which brought together distinguished
speakers, including Anna Gover from ENQA, Diane Friberger of FIBAA, Iring Wasser of ASIIN, Ronny
Heintze from AQAS, and Prof. Robert Redhammer, President of Slovakia's National Quality Assurance
Board for Higher Education (SAAHE). The conference, enriched by insights from these luminaries,
searches through crucial aspects of higher education, such as quality policy, student-centered education,
and faculty competence.
Dr. Aysegul Kozak Çakır and Dr. İsmail Erkam Tüzgen delivered opening remarks, and the proceedings
were moderated by Prof. Dr. Hasan Ali Bıçak, Rector of Rauf Denktaş University and Chairman of
STAR's Internationalization Committee. Prof. Bıçak highlighted STAR's ongoing global collaboration and
emphasized the benefits of the conference for universities and National Quality Assurance organizations.